Batista vs. Triple HHH III at Vengeance
The main event for Vengeance slipped out as we managed to know what was being planned. It seems as if Triple HHH will
beat Batista at Backlash gaining back the World title. Then Batista will take his re-match clause and challenge Triple
HHH at Vengeance in a Hell in a Cell match. Bottom Line: Triple HHH vs. Batista III
WWE Referee Suspended
WWE referee Brian Hebner was suspended for one month and fined $1000 for acting out of control during the Australian
tour. Father Earl had to goozle him because he was making a fool out of himself after backtalking his dad. The feeling is
that it had it been another referee with no family tie, he would have been fired.
Stone Cold is Back with a WWE Role is currently advertising Steve Austin as the special guest referee for a number of dates on the company's next
tour of Europe. WWE will be hitting the UK and Ireland in the middle of June.
Austin is listed as the special guest referee for a WWE Championship match between Kurt Angle, JBL and John Cena. He
will be appearing at all scheduled dates.
Piper Signs 5 Year Contract
Its official, Rowdy Roddy Piper has signed a 5 year contract with the WWE. He may or not be doing some in-ring work but
he will be backstage alot helping out storyline wise bringing a WWF style back to the WWE.
Trish Stratus Injured
Christy Hemme took Trish Stratus' place in a match against Victoria last night as the Women's Champion is out of action
with a suspected disc injury in her neck/back. She will not be making any appearances on the European tour. She is however
expected to work at Backlash.
Triple HHH Injury not Serious
As many people know, Triple H suffered a stinger on RAW recently when Rosey dropped a leg on him. To update on his injury,
it's good news and no serious damage has been found, which means he won't miss any matches. Triple H was said to be in a great
mood this week as tests on his neck revealed that it is in great condition overall.
WWE Superstar Heel Turn in Germany
Victoria turned heel during a match with Christy Hemme in Germany today, although it's believed it was a one-night-only
deal and Victoria will resume work as a face on RAW. WWE has been known to do one night turns at house shows, especially those
overseas, so this should not come as a surprise.